Opinion: Why Lorenzo Leviste’s Open Letter to His Mother Loren Legarda Is a Big Deal

I am posting this as I believe it is an important article. I can sympathize with Lorenzo Leviste as I can imagine, after a great deal of thought about the repercussions it would cause, I would probably do the same thing. Maybe not so publicly. But I would find it very hard to accept any … Continue reading Opinion: Why Lorenzo Leviste’s Open Letter to His Mother Loren Legarda Is a Big Deal

How It All Began

It was in the attic of an old English farmhouse, on a lovely autumn evening in September 1984, that this book had its beginnings. Two years earlier Caroline Kennedy, doing some research for a television film, had arrived at this same house to interview the owner, Pelham Pound. As they talked she found out he … Continue reading How It All Began


Speech Delivered Aboard The QE2 June 1987 By Caroline Kennedy Leaving the Philippines, in 1984, for what seemed like the final time saddened me. I had spent almost two decades there, on and off, and had assimilated myself so much into its history, its culture and its people that many locals referred to me as … Continue reading “THE MARCOSES AND THE MISSING FILIPINO MILLIONS”